About JHS
Jacksonville High School is one of thirty seven public schools in Onslow County and one of seven high schools. We are the largest traditional comprehensive high school in Onslow County. We operate on a a block schedule which affords our students the opportunity to earn eight credits per year, or thirty-two credits during their high school careers. We are located on the coast of North Carolina approximately twenty minutes from the beach and New River Air Station. The staff at Jacksonville High School is highly committed to making sure all students have equal opportunities for learning the necessary skills and curriculum. Jacksonville High School students are challenged in their learning and are held accountable for becoming successful, productive citizens in the learning environment and in society.
JHS is the only Onslow County school that offers the International Baccalaureate Programme, and one of only 35 schools in NC that offers IB. Our students can opt to participate in the IB Full Diploma Programme, IB certificate program or the IB Career Related Program. IBCP students can earn their certification in Business or Nursing. We truly embrace the mission of IB which states that the "International Baccalaureate aimes to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect."
JHS is also an AVID nationally recognized school. Each of our AVID students embrace the strategies and methodology of AVID which has led to 100% of our AVID students moving on to the collegiate level after graduating. Jacksonville High School offers many academic, social, service and athletic opportunities for our students. We have 29 different clubs ranging from Photography and Art to Computer Coding and Skills USA. Our students are encouraged to get involved and participate as well as to serve their school and local communities. Our SCA, Cardinal Ambassadors and INTERACT clubs are strong student organizations with strong student leadership that carry out the mission of JHS: Impacting Students to Impact their World. We are a military friendly community school that has adopted the unofficial motto, "Jacksonville is America", and who welcomes all students from all areas of our world. We take pride in our diverse student population and we take pride in the accomplishments of our students, both academically and athletically.