ACT WorkKeys
What is WorkKeys?
WorkKeys is a system of assessments, curriculum, and skill profiles that build and measure essential workplace skills that can affect job performance and increase opportunities for career changes and advancement.
All North Carolina public school students who are identified as having a Career and Technical Education (CTE) concentration or are expected to have a concentration by the time of graduation from high school, are eligible to participate in the ACT WorkKeys Assessment. A CTE concentrator is a student who has earned four or more technical credits in a Career Cluster, at least one of which is a completer course. The fall administration of the WorkKeys Assessment will begin on November 28 at Jacksonville High School. There are three required ACT WorkKeys assessments:
- Applied Math
- Graphic Literacy
- Workplace Documents
WorkKeys Assessment Preparation
All students who complete a portion of the assessment will receive an individualized student score report, which can be downloaded through Validus by the school-level test coordinator. Students who meet the eligibility requirements will earn an ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (ACT WorkKeys NCRC).
Starting in fall 2017, the NCDPI will not provide paper certificates; Career and Technical Education (CTE) will continue to provide a “Student Congratulation Letter” for ACT WorkKeys test coordinators to duplicate for each student earning an ACT WorkKeys NCRC. The “Student Congratulation Letter” will direct students to the ACT MyWorkKeys.com link for instructions to create an account and to view their test scores. Once students view their test scores, they can create, print, and share their ACT WorkKeys NCRC with employers.
For further information about ACT WorkKeys, please contact the Jacksonville High School testing coordinator at (910) 989-2048 ext 34011.
For more information on testing and accountability please go to the NCDPI Accountability Services website.