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Process Portfolio ~ 40%

Info about your Process Portfolio ~ We are Standard Level (SL)

Process Portfolio Requirements ~ Counts as 40% of Grade

  1. 9-18 screens ~ Doesn't include Sources Screens
  2. Sustained (continuous)
  1. Experimentation
  2. Exploration
  3. Manipulation
  4. Refinement of a variety of art making activities.
  5. 2 art-making forms, selected from a minimum of 2 columns of the art making forms table.

Examiners are looking to reward evidence of the following:
• Sustained experimentation and manipulation of a variety of media and techniques and an ability to select art-making materials and media appropriate to stated intentions
• Sustained working that has been informed by critical investigation of artists, artworks and artistic genres and evidence of how these have influenced and impacted own practice
• How initial ideas and intentions have been formed and how connections have been made between skills, chosen media and ideas
• How ideas, skills, processes and techniques are reviewed and refined along with reflection on the acquisition of skills and analysis of development as a visual artist
• How the submitted screens are clearly and coherently presented with competent and consistent use of appropriate subject-specific language.

Formal Rubric for Process Portfolio (PP) ~ We are Standard Level (SL) at JHS.
Process Portfolio Guidelines PPT from Rosage ~ Criteria, Guidelines. Rubric, Expectations, etc for your Process Portfolio
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IB Visual Arts ~ Process Portfolio

Your Process Portfolio is your journey of art-making. It should display your engagement with different media and techniques, documentation of process, reflections on artists & artworks, and the development of ideas. During your first year in IB Visual Arts, you will work primarily in a physical sketchbook/journal. Starting in the third trimester, you will begin transforming your physical sketchbook/journal into a digital “Process Portfolio”, which adheres and explores IB’s criteria for the Process Portfolio.

SL: 9-18 Slides (JHS is SL)
HL: 13-25 Slides

There are 5 criteria that need to be met within the Process Portfolio. The following criteria are required for final digital submission of the Process Portfolio:


Criteria A: Skills, techniques and processes

  • Have you shown a range of media (digital, drawing, painting, 3D - see the art-making table)
  • Have you shown both a variety of ideas and then development of these in your experimentation?
  • How have you shown that you are both confident and skilled in using media? Or that you have shown clear development?
  • Have you clearly shown your intentions?
  • Do the ideas/experiments/media chosen show a clear connection to what your stated intentions are?
  • Do you try a variety of different perspectives, compositions and media for each experiment?
  • Is your experimentation consistent - do you explore many possibilities for an idea?

Criteria B: Critical Investigation

  • Have you shown that you have explored an artist to learn from? How have you shown that you really understand the concepts/skills/themes/ideas/media of the artist(s)? How have you shown/can you show this?
  • How do your ideas/imagery/experimentation link to your artist?
  • Have you clearly identified what specific elements of the artists' work you would like to explore?
  • Have you clearly shown that your study of the artist has helped you learn, or helped you decide what you want to create?
  • Do you evaluate your work? Do you state how/why it is successful/unsuccessful?

Criteria C: Communication of ideas and intention (visual and written)

  • Could someone who does not know your work follow your idea clearly?
  • Have you included both visual and written explanation of your ideas (a balance more towards visual, with annotative notes is a good model)
  • Have you clearly stated where your ideas have come from, where you want them to go and why?
  • Have you connected your ideas, skills and experimentation together to clearly show how you have arrived at your final idea? (i.e. how have each of these aspects, and experimentation with them helped you form your idea - guide us through).
  • Have you clearly shown how you have changed or made your idea better (development)?

Criteria D: Reviewing, refining and reflecting (visual and written)

  • How have you clearly and consistently (at each step/on each slide) shown that YOU have revised your ideas, and can guide the reader through how you have decided these things?
  • Have you clearly outlined what skills you have acquired, and what skills and techniques you have developed through the process of experimentation and creation?
  • Have you clearly stated how YOU as an artist have developed (skills, concepts, processes, challenges, artist knowledge, building a body of work - any of these aspects can be an area you have grown in).
  • Are you using evidence on your slide to support what you are saying (making it believable/meaningful).
Criteria E: Presentation and subject-specific language
  • Is your work readable? (No light pencil, no hard to read words/images, no cut off images, no cut off scanned pages, no poor quality scans).
  • Are all your images sourced adequately and appropriately?
  • Have you used consistent subject specific language? This could/should be the general principles/elements of art, but should also be vocabulary that is specific to your chosen form (e.g. 3D sculpture vs digital artworks - different specified terms for these forms show your ability to differentiate language).
  • Have you used ALL of your space efficiently? Do you do this consistently?
  • Have you tried how it will look on a computer screen (to see how it will be for an examiner?).