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Curatorial Rational
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The Curatorial Rational can exceed a max of 700 words and it should cover the questions below.
- What is the vision for presenting this body of work?
- How have particular issues, motifs or ideas been explored, or particular materials or techniques used?
- What themes can be identified in the work, or what experiences have influenced it?
- How does the way you have exhibited your artwork contribute to the meanings you are trying to convey to an audience?
- What strategies did you use to develop a relationship between the artwork and the viewer, for example, visual impact?
- How does the way you have arranged and presented your artworks support the relationship and connection between the artworks presented?
- What do you intend your audience to feel, think, experience, understand, see, learn, consider from the work you have selected for exhibition?
Below is a suggested format for the Curatorial Rational...this is just a suggestion not a mandatory format:
First Paragraph
Begin with an overview paragraph that makes a clear and concise statement about your work. Support that statement, telling the reader more about your goals and aspirations. This paragraph should be broad in scope. Specifics will come next.
Second Paragraph
Point out themes in your work or discuss experiences that have influenced your work. Discuss research and influential artists that you reference in your artwork. How do you make decisions in the course of your work? Why you use the materials/techniques and tools that you do. Go into detail (offer a specific example).
Third Paragraph
Tell the reader a little more about your current work. How it grew out of prior work or life experiences. What are you exploring, attempting, challenging by doing this work. Justify your selection, arrangement and the exhibition of artworks “within a designated space” (curatorial methodologies). Reflect on how your exhibition conveys an understanding of the relationship between the artworks and the viewer. Finally, sum up the most important points made throughout previous paragraphs.
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Various links of interest...
Exhibit Proposal Worksheet
Exhibition HL Student Example
How to Write a Curatorial Rationale and Exhibition Text